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  • What is it?

    The Cincy Riders photo challenge encourages us to get out and ride areas of the tri-state we may not have ridden before. When can you join? NOW! It doesn't matter if there's 1 month or 11 left in the year!

    Game play takes place in, and is managed through, the Photo Challenge channel of the Cincy Riders Discord: discord.cincyriders.com

    How it Works (Sample Order)

    1. Rider A posts a photo with identifiable landmarks. (For this example, lets say Fountain Square.)
    2. Others try to determine the location (by themselves) using clues the from the photo.
      • Rider B and Rider C figure out the location & start riding to Fountain Square.
    3. Rider C takes a picture of their motorcycle at Fountain Square (similar to Rider A's from step 1) and immediately posts it to the Photo Challenge Discord channel, before Rider B  has the chance to.
      • This reserves the point for Rider C, but it hasn't scored yet. Keep reading!
    4. Within 36 hoursRider C rides to a new location and posts a photo of their motorcycle with identifiable landmarks to Discord.
      • Rider C has now completed the flow and scored the point.
    5. Continue to step 2 above.

    Info & Clarifications

    • Play is sequential. The person who posts a photo from the active spot to the Discord channel first reserves the point.
      • Tip: once you take a photo at the active spot, post immediately! If another rider gets there an hour later, but posts their photo before you, the point is reserved as theirs!
    • Reserved points aren't scored until the rider posts the next location (36 hour grace period).
      • If 36 hours lapse with no new photo, the point is no longer reserved and the prior spot is up for grabs again.
    • The person with the most points at the end of the season/year wins.

    More Info

    • Locations should be:
      • Within a ~20 mile (crow flies, not driving) radius of Fountain Square for easy access via a 275 loop + wiggle room. (rough map below)
      • Identifiable (statues, buildings, signs, art/graffiti, overlooks, etc). The side of a road with a random house doesn't count as it isn't identifiable.
      • Accessible by all bikes (no trespassing, off roading or limited accessibility.)
      • Unused in the current year (no re-using spots from the same year).
    • Your bike must be in the picture at the location. A unique feature (like your glove on the bike) is encouraged to ensure current pictures.
    • If no activity in Discord for a couple days, ask if people need a hint to keep the game from stalling out (but don't give it away!)
    • Group ride? Get group points:
      • Everyone’s bike must be in both the original spot and new spot photos to get the point.
      • Points are added to each riders individual totals.
    • The rider(s) who submitted the current challenge cannot participate in the discovery of that same challenge.

    Rough Map Area


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